Comment corriger l'erreur d'URL non canonique dans le plan Sitemap de SEMRush ?

Si vous avez rencontré le “non-canonical URL in Sitemap” error on your e-commerce website, don’t worry, this blog post will show you how to fix it in just a few simple steps and help you with your technical SEO task and become a webmaster anytime soon! So read on and get your site back on track!

URLs canoniques

Qu'est-ce qu'une URL non canonique ?

A canonical URL or canonical page is the preferred URL for a web page. A non-canonical URL is any other variation of the page’s address. Canonicalization is the process of determining which version of a URL is the “true” or “preferred” version of the page.

Exemple d'URL canonique

Exemples de Non-URLs canoniques de la même page

Les sitemaps peuvent inclure des URL canoniques et non canoniques provenant d'erreurs d'utilisateurs ou de votre système de gestion de contenu (CMS) sélectionnant la version canonique incorrecte.

Why shouldn’t you have non-canonical URLs in your sitemap?

A Le sitemap aide les moteurs de recherche à indexer the site’s content. However, some pages should not be included in a sitemap, as they are not intended to be indexed by search engines. These pages are known as non-canonical URLs. Non-canonical URLs can include pages that have duplicate content issues  (duplicate URLs) of other pages on the site or that are only accessible through different URL parameters. Including these pages in a sitemap can confuse search engines. For this reason, it is essential to understand how to identify and exclude non-canonical URLs from a sitemap.

Comment corriger les URL non canoniques dans un plan Sitemap ?

Un sitemap est un fichier qui contient une liste de toutes les URL de votre site web. Cette liste aide les moteurs de recherche ramper and index your site more efficiently. Non-canonical URLs or non-canonical pages are duplicate page versions of the same page, which can occur for various reasons (e.g., WWW vs. non-WWW, HTTP vs. HTTPS). These identical contents or similar pages can cause problems for your website because they can be indexed by search engines, hurting your site’s ranking. Continue reading to learn how to corriger ces erreurs rapidement :

  1. Identifier les URLs non canoniques

    urls non canonique

    First, Identify which URLs are Non-canonical in your Sitemap. The non-canonical URL error shows up in the SEMrush Audit under “incorrect pages found in sitemap.xml” or using a website crawler like Screaming Frog. In Screaming Frog, you can find the errors under the Canonicals tab in a scan.  

  2. Trouver l'URL canonique correcte

    url canonique correcte

    Open the error reports non-canonical URL in your browser, then determine what the correct canonical should be. You can do this by comparing the browser URL and by viewing the HTML code source.

    Dans le code source, you will be looking for the rel balise canonique or also known as a canonical link:

    <link rel="canonical" href="">

    What should be the correct balise canonique? It’s typically the most human-friendly version of the URL, something you could easily share with a friend.

  3. Mettre à jour l'URL

    paramètres canoniques yoast

    Using a CMS such as WordPress et le Yoast plugin, you can update the URL canonique logged into your website under the Advanced Yoast Settings. Other SEO plugins use a similar approach; if you created your sitemap manually, you would need to edit the file.

  4. WWW vs non-WWW

    paramètres de l'url

    If you noticed that the majority of your website has mismatched URLs or redirects creating a non-canonical error:

    e.g., vs. (or HTTP vs HTTPS)

    It’s easier and faster to fix the WordPress Address + Site Address, along with using Better Search n Replace plugin to resolve your issue to add absolute URLs, rather than repairing individual pages.

  5. SSL et non-SSL

    ssl vraiment simple

    Really Simple SSL automatically detects your settings and configures your website to run over HTTPS. The entire site will move to SSL. That includes your homepage, pages, posts, custom post types, categories, tags, images, widgets… Everything!

    Donc, si vous avez remarqué que le contenu non sécurisé crée des erreurs non canonique, c'est la solution la plus rapide et la plus facile.


If you still have issues with the “non-canonical URL in Sitemap” error after following these instructions, please do not hesitate to contact us for help. Our team of experts is more than happy to assist you in getting your website back up and running as smoothly as possible. Thanks for reading!


  • Les URL canoniques sont-elles mauvaises pour le référencement ?

Publié le : 2022-08-24
Updated on: 2024-04-04

Avatar pour Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands est le directeur du référencement chez SEO North, une entreprise qui fournit des services d'optimisation des moteurs de recherche. En tant que professionnel du référencement, Isaac possède une expertise considérable en matière de référencement sur page, de référencement hors page et de référencement technique, ce qui lui donne une longueur d'avance sur la concurrence.