Digital Main Street: What to Do with the Grant Money?

Digital Main Street

Digital Main Street is a non-profit organization with a popular grant program funded by the Canadian government to empower small business owners to thrive in the online landscape.

But with the grant money in your pocket, you might wonder, “Where to go from here?”

The truth is, I’ve seen many grant recipients struggle to navigate their options because they’re unsure of how to translate these funds into tangible results and make the right investment, and that’s where this article comes in handy!

Join me as I walk you through one of the best ways to make the most out of the grant money, and why SEO North is one of the best options to consider for that purpose.

A Brief Overview of Digital Main Street Grant

Before diving into the details of this guide, you should first have a brief understanding of Digital Main Street’s grant and how it works.

The Digital Main Street Grant is an amazing opportunity for smaller businesses to jumpstart and facilitate their digital transformation.

This organization will help you build your online presence and achieve your digital goals by offering various funding programs of up to $2,500 or more.

While this may not be enough to address all your digital marketing needs, it can still give you the perfect boost to reach your business’s true potential.

For that reason, the best way to utilize this grant program funding is to use it to optimize your online presence through search engine optimization.

The Importance of SEO for Your Digital Landscape

Online visibility is easily your primary asset when it comes to digital marketing, and optimizing your online platform is the key to achieving this goal. Here’s a brief look at the advantages of optimizing your website for search engines.

Higher Search Rankings

Any search engine’s main intent is to use special algorithms to help users find the most valuable and relevant results when they look up relevant keywords.

By optimizing your website and content for these keywords, you can quickly climb the ranks in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This makes it significantly more likely for potential customers to find your website when they search for products or services you offer on your website.

Driving Organic Traffic

Paid advertising and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are tried and true methods to increase your visibility and reach a large audience. However, they have many drawbacks that make them a poor choice to invest your DMS grant money.

For starters, they require continuous financial support, so you’ll quickly burn through all the funds before seeing remarkable results with these methods.

Additionally, not all people who will see your ads would be relevant to your business or interested in your niche, especially with poor targeting.

On the other hand, SEO drives organic traffic because people find you naturally since they’re searching for solutions your business provides. The traffic would also be more engaging and qualified, increasing your potential opportunities to gain leads and make profits.

Improved Domain Authority

One of the positive side effects of effective SEO strategies is that it always promises quality content for the searchers.

This establishes your website as a reliable and trustworthy resource for your niche in the eyes of those search engines.

Additionally, other websites will reference your content through backlinks, which massively improves your domain authority, boosting your visibility and ranking significantly.

Enhanced Customer Targeting and Acquisition

A lot of websites and businesses out there cast a wide net of keywords, hoping to catch as many customers and leads as possible. However, this is a prime example of poor SEO practices.

This is because, like advertising, the message becomes incredibly widespread rather than focusing on the most qualified leads.

As you improve your SEO, your content, keywords, and optimization efforts will all be laser-focused, which will help you target the right audience and maximize the return on your investment and efforts.

Establishing Your Brand

When your website is well-optimized and provides a smooth user experience, visitors are more likely to convert into loyal customers. This includes factors like mobile-friendliness, fast loading times, clear navigation, etc.

This consistent optimization builds trust and recognition, transforming your website into an established brand with a clear identity.

Being a household name doesn’t only improve your domain authority, but it also makes it much easier for search engines to put you ahead of the competition.

14 Reasons to Pick SEO North While Investing Digital Main Street Grant Money

Now that you know more about the Importance of SEO, you might be wondering how to get started and reap all these benefits. That’s where we come into the spotlight!

SEO North is your one-stop shop for unlocking your website’s full SEO potential. We’re not just field experts, we also have the digital tools and strategies to transform that grant money into sustainable online visibility and customer growth.

In this section, you’ll find some of the main reasons why it’s a great idea to invest your Digital Main Street grant with SEO North.

1. Fixing SEO Errors

SEO North specializes in identifying and fixing all existing SEO errors and technical issues that end up reducing your chance of ranking higher despite your good content quality.

These errors can take a huge variety of forms, such as ignoring keyword research, keyword stuffing, poor internal linking, duplicate content, and much more.

Many SEO firms fail to address existing SEO problems, which can massively hinder your website’s chances of making it to the top.

2. SEO Pruning

Another detoxing method that SEO North uses to enhance the quality of a website is trimming away pages that undermine the overall quality of your website.

This includes pages with zero traffic and extremely outdated or irrelevant content. This technique is an excellent way to enhance your website’s analytics.

This gives your future content a much higher chance to outrank competitors for both branded and non-branded terms.

3. Excellent On and Off-Page Optimization

SEO isn’t only about techniques and strategies that directly affect ranking, but also about implementing optimization elements not related to your pages in particular.

Like SEO pruning, this also can take a variety of forms, such as linking orphaned pages, and indexing pages in Google.

Mastering both sides of the SEO equation can give your online business a remarkable visibility boost even before you provide new content.

4. Specialized SEO Services for Different Niches

Every niche has its unique set of elements that needs addressing if you want to rank higher, and in SEO North, we perfectly understand that!

We tailor our search engine optimization services to match the unique market dynamics of different industries, such as:

  • Shopify and e-commerce websites SEO
  • Healthcare SEO (dentists, drug rehab, etc.)
  • Real estate SEO
  • CrossFit SEO, and much more.

5. Creative Content Writing Service

One of the most reliable methods to improve your website’s SEO is providing relevant, consistent, high-quality content on your website.

This doesn’t improve your chances of ranking higher on search engines, but it also attracts new visitors to your website, which increases your traffic and improves your chances of making sales and profits.

SEO North offers a high-quality content writing service with a carefully selected team of copywriters and editors to ensure the highest content quality.

6. Page Speed Optimization Service

One of the underrated metrics that heavily affect your SEO is your page loading speed. We optimize your site for speed, giving visitors a seamless experience and boosting your SEO ranking with Google.

7. Google My Business Listing Optimization

Speaking of Google, we also optimize your listing to attract nearby customers and skyrocket your visibility and relevance.

This is a remarkably effective SEO technique for local businesses, as it boosts your website’s ranking when location is a factor in the search.

8. Deep Focus on the Main KPIs

SEO North ditches the guesswork and uses a reliable and carefully set strategy to track key performance indicators to measure success and adapt the best strategies for maximum impact.

9. Ethical and White-Hat Methods to Outrank Competitors

Many SEO companies offer growth by abusing black-hat SEO tactics. These may initially fulfill its promise but it’s short-lived, as search engines quickly catch those strategies and derank your website even further.

At SEO North, we take pride in only leveraging proven, sustainable SEO tactics to outrank your competitors without compromising the website’s trust factor in the long run.

10. Variety of Services and Packages for Various Budgets

Search engine optimization doesn’t come cheap. Luckily, however, SEO North offers a wide range of packages and services to meet the needs of different clients, which makes it a perfect pick if you’re budgeting your DMS grant money and want to make the most out of it.

11. Experts in Brand Authority Building

High visibility and positive user experiences can help you build trust and credibility with potential customers, making them more likely to choose your business over competitors.

At SEO North, we craft all our strategies with establishing brand authority and credibility as our main target outcome.

12. Reliable Customer Support

We’re always in touch with our existing clients and reply to inquiries within a single business day. You can reach us through a variety of methods, including live chat, email, and calls.

13. Remarkable Return on Investment

As previously established, the Digital Main Street grant may not be a relatively small figure, but if you put the money in the right direction, it can be a great bang for the buck, propelling your business to attract high-quality leads and increase revenue.

14. Excellent Client Testimonials and Recommendations

We’ve worked with a huge variety of clients over the years, which allowed us to turn many websites into highly profitable money-makers.

SEO North is also officially recognized as one of the top SEO firms in Canada, covering several locations in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, and Quebec.

Our services also crossed the borders with plenty of business partners in the US. You can find out more about client testimonials and recommendations on the North SEO home page.

Final Thoughts

This marks the end of today’s guide that walks you through the best way to invest your Digital Main Street grant money.

As you can see, investing the DMS funds with the right SEO firm can give you a remarkable return on your investment, so we highly recommend opting for SEO North for that purpose. If you’re interested in finding out more about SEO North’s packages and services, don’t hesitate to contact us through the official channels.


  • What does Digital Main Street do?
  • What is the Digital Main Street grant?
Posted in SEO

Published on: 2024-01-02
Updated on: 2024-04-22

Avatar for Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands is the SEO Director at SEO North, a company that provides Search Engine Optimization services. As an SEO Professional, Isaac has considerable expertise in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO, which gives him a leg up against the competition.