CrossFit SEO: SEO for CrossFit Gyms

Search Engine Optimization for Crossfit Gyms

SEO services for CrossFit gym owners

Search engine optimization (SEO) can help your CrossFit gym reach the next level. Your clients use search engines to find the best restaurants, gyms, and shops in their neighborhoods. People use Google to discover new recipes, workout plans, and cleaning tips. You need to develop your web presence if you want potential clients to find your local gym. 

How can Search Engine Optimization help?

Search engines use spiders to crawl the internet and analyze content. These spiders look for keywords, backlinks, and other factors to see what the page is about. When someone searches for a specific keyword term, the search engines deliver relevant, high-quality answers. 

Most of your clients will search for a CrossFit gym online before checking out the fitness center in person. If you do not appear in the search results, your prospective clients will go to a different location. You can improve how your rankings in the search engines through organic SEO.

SEO for CrossFit Gyms

An SEO agency can help by analyzing your company and your objectives. They will work with you to create a list of relevant keywords to help you achieve a top ranking on the search results page. Then, the SEO agency will create content that incorporates these keywords. 

What do you need to do to improve your SEO?

As a local gym, there are four things you can do to improve your SEO. Link building, social media signals, citations, and on-page improvements can improve your ranking in search engines. Once you have improved your ranking, you can enjoy having more website traffic. 

  • Link building: Link building involves getting links from other sites to your website. When other people link to your site, it shows Google that it provides value. Google penalizes unnatural links like spam links and link farms, so it is vital to get links from the right sources. You can encourage high-quality links by writing guest posts, adding new content, and releasing viral content.
  • On-page optimization: On-page optimization is when you improve aspects of your site, like your descriptions and titles. You need to include HTML tags, internal links, and keywords in all of your articles.
  • Social media: Today, social media is an essential part of online marketing. When readers share your content on social media, it shows Google that your site has relevant, engaging content. If you can get more of your content shared online, you will develop better visibility in search results.
  • Citations: An online citation shows Google where your company is located. This allows you to rank in local search results. As a local fitness center, you should ensure your company is included in local directories like Google Maps, Yahoo, City Search, and Google My Business.
Digital Marketing Agency for CrossFit Gyms

How to plan your SEO strategy

You need to start by targeting the right keywords to reach more clients. An SEO agency can research the best keywords and create customized solutions for your company, and Google Keyword Planner is an excellent tool for generating ideas. 

In general, fitness centers will want to include their location in some of their keyword terms. For example, you may want to have “gym in Seattle” or “CrossFit center in Savannah” in your articles. Including the location makes you more likely to bring in viewers from your local area. 

It would help if you also used intent keywords. These keywords focus on visitors who are interested in joining. Intent keywords may involve the advantages of joining a gym or how to join. 

CrossFit SEO strategy

Build your Site Hierarchy

Your primary page is your homepage; secondary pages include your blog index, frequently asked questions, and service pages. Each page on your site should focus on a primary keyword. Your homepage should generally focus on a keyword phrase like “CrossFit gym in Seattle.” 

Once you have designed your site hierarchy, you must create your internal linking structure. Your secondary pages should be linked to your main pages because this demonstrates the importance of your main pages to search engines. Then, blog pages should be connected using keywords. 

Optimize your CrossFit SEO strategy

On-page SEO involves things like your URLs, titles, descriptions, and headings. All of these on-page elements show search engines what your content is about. Ideally, you should optimize your content so that it includes your keywords.

  • URLs: Your URLs should be reasonably short. Ideally, they should include your keywords and use lowercase letters.
  • Title tags: Title tags should be 65 characters or less. These titles show search engines what your content is about.
  • H1 headings: The H1 header appears at the top of the web page. It should use the primary keyword, and there should only be a single H1 heading on each page.
  • Meta descriptions: Your meta description should be less than 156 characters. It should use the primary keyword and summarize the page’s content.
  • Content: Your content should be at least 400 words. You may want to cover the history of your gym and the services you offer. Acceptable content includes a call to action that inspires the reader to find out more information.
  • Alt images: Images show search engines that you have high-quality content. When you add an image to a page, you should include alt text that describes the image and uses the primary keyword.

Why you should invest in SEO for your CrossFit Gym?

As a CrossFit gym, you need to find prospective clients in your surrounding area. You can reach out to local customers and build your business by ranking in search results. Besides ranking in organic results, you can also use paid search advertisements. 

SEO Agency specializing in CrossFit marketing

SEO is the only way to increase your site’s organic traffic. Once you appear at the top of the search engine results, you can enjoy having free traffic to your site. On average, it takes only 6 to 12 months to significantly improve your Google rankings. If your competitors do not use SEO, you can improve your rankings in 30 days or less. 

At SEO North, we offer turnkey services and industry-leading results. We help CrossFit fitness centers through technical SEO audits, competitive analyses, and strategy development. Contact our team today to find out more information about everything we offer.


  • What is CrossFit SEO?

Published on: 2020-11-06
Updated on: 2024-06-16

Avatar for Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands is the SEO Director at SEO North, a company that provides Search Engine Optimization services. As an SEO Professional, Isaac has considerable expertise in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO, which gives him a leg up against the competition.