Measuring SEO Success

Seo is one of the most important aspects of any marketing strategy. It helps businesses reach their target audience through search engines. Many people think they know what it takes to rank high for specific keywords when it comes to SEO. But the truth is that ranking well for particular terms isn’t as easy as it seems. Seo’s success depends on several factors, including the quality of content on your site, how much traffic your site receives from other sources, and whether or not you have enough backlinks pointing to your website. The following article will help you understand how to measure SEO success correctly. Measuring SEO success correctly varies greatly depending on your business and objectives. You should always consider three key performance indicators when evaluating a campaign’s effectiveness: RankingsTraffic and Conversions. Let’s discuss each of them separately.

Measuring SEO Success

1. Ranking

Keyword ranking is the first way to measure SEO success. It is also known as keyword position tracking. You can do this by using tools such as Google Analytics or SEMrush. These tools allow you to see where your keywords appear within the SERPs. They also show which pages on your site receive the most organic traffic from those keywords. Tracking the keyword ranking is very important because it allows you to identify which keywords need more focus and which don’t.

This information can also help you decide if you want to invest more money to improve your site’s content or add new pages. For example, let’s say you have a product page with the keyword “best laptop.” If you notice that your keyword ranks in the top 10 positions but only gets 2% of all visits, you might be able to improve your content and add more products to increase its visibility.

2. Traffic

Another way to measure SEO is by looking at traffic. The best way to do this is by monitoring the amount of traffic from organic searches. If you use Google Analytics, you can easily track these numbers. If you find out that your site doesn’t receive enough visitors from organic searches, you may want to make some changes. The key aspects to check on traffic are volume and traffic quality.

Traffic Volume

It is crucial to keep in mind that traffic volume refers to your site’s total number of visits. To accurately determine the traffic coming to your site, you need to look at direct and indirect traffic. Direct traffic is the number of visits directly from a search engine result page. Indirect traffic includes visits that come from other websites. How much traffic you expect depends mainly on the target audience size. A small business owner with less than 100 customers would probably not expect much traffic from organic searches. But if you have a more extensive customer base, you can expect between 50 and 500 visits per month.

Traffic Quality

Measure traffic quality requires understanding and detailed analysis of what types of users visit your website. This might be challenging to estimate since many factors affect the quality of traffic. Some metrics that you can use include:

Pages Per Visit: This shows how many pages a user visits during their visit to your site. If your average visitor spends 20 minutes on your site, they will view six pages.

Average site duration: This shows how long a user stays on your site before leaving. If your average user leaves after viewing three pages, they spend about 30 seconds on your site.

Bounce Rate: Bounce rate measures the percentage of visitors who leave your site immediately after visiting one of your

If you find that the number of pages per visit is low, the average time is down, and the bounce rate is high, you know that your visitors are spending little time on your site. This means that they are searching for something else or just browsing around. In this case, you should try to understand why they left so quickly. You can ask them questions through surveys or even offer them freebies to encourage them to stay longer. For example, if your goal is to sell products, you can give away a discount coupon to your visitors.

3. Conversions

This is the best metric to measure success. Conversions are defined as actions taken by users, such as signing up for email newsletters, making purchases, downloading files, filling out forms, etc. Conversions should be determined depending on the goals of your website. For example, if you are selling products, conversions are sales. If you are running a blog, then it would comment. Mind conversion tracking involves quote requests, signups, downloads, etc. It’s important to note that conversions are only possible when the user takes action. For example, if someone signs up for your newsletter but never actually reads any emails, then you won’t be able to convert him into a paying customer.

How do conversions measure SEO success?

First, you must define what type of conversion you want to track. The most common ones are:

Sales: This is the easiest way to measure SEO success. More potential buyers will click on your link when you rank higher in search results. As a result, you get more leads and, eventually more sales.

Signups: Signups indicate how well your content is converting visitors into subscribers. They also show whether your content is interesting enough for people to subscribe to.

Comments: Comments are another great indicator of how effective your content is. If you have lots of comments, then people like your content.

4. Determining ROI

ROI Revenue/cost the cost of your SEO campaign includes the money you spend on ads and the time you invest in optimizing your site. However, the actual costs of SEO are often underestimated. This is made possible by conversions. Once you have tracked all your conversions, you can calculate the ROI of your efforts. Also, ROI can be measured based on the customer’s lifetime value. In other words, you can use the lifetime value of each customer to calculate the ROI of the entire campaign.


Keeping track of these KPIs helps you measure the success of your SEO campaign. Using these metrics, you can see which areas need improvement and adjust accordingly.

Additional Resources

SEO analytics: a step-by-step process with tools, examples, and resources GuideBranko Kral / Supermetrics
Measuring SEO ResultsGuideBacklinko
15 Critical SEO Metrics You Need To TrackGuideJoe Kindness / Agency Analytics
Measuring & Tracking SEO SuccessGuideMoz
How to Use Google Analytics to Improve SEO PerformanceGuideMichal Pecánek / Ahrefs
15 Ways for Using Google Analytics to Track Your SEO Efforts for FreeGuideElise Dopson / Databox


  • How to measure SEO results?

Published on: 2021-10-02
Updated on: 2022-10-28

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Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands is the SEO Director at SEO North, a company that provides Search Engine Optimization services. As an SEO Professional, Isaac has considerable expertise in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO, which gives him a leg up against the competition.