Landing Page SEO: Step-By-Step Guide

They say first impressions last, and your landing page SEO can make or break your online presence. So you want to design a killer landing page that quickly drives people to browse your products and services and try them. It’s the limited window they get to take a look, and you only have a few seconds to make things work.

This article will tell you how to optimize your landing page for search engine optimization and the proper steps to follow. So, keep reading to learn more about this topic.

landing page seo

What is a Landing Page?

As part of your digital marketing strategy, you send your potential clients an email with a link or publish a public post on Facebook. Pressing the link will take them to your landing page URL.

This page is specifically designed to tell your clients about a specific offer, code, or campaign. Because the landing page is specifically designed to serve a single purpose, it’s not part of the evergreen content  of your website. Instead, it’s part of a specific campaign, so it should be detailed and to the point.

The purpose of a landing page is to convert website visitors to paying clients. This is why you must ensure that the page’s content has been optimized for Google searches and other online queries. In short, landing page optimization is a must for all websites.

What Are The Criteria of Good Landing Pages?

You can come across different versions of landing pages on various websites. But they all serve the same purpose: they help convert your website’s organic traffic into leads.

There could be information about various features, new products, offers, or promotions. Yet, in general, a good landing page with a high conversion rate is characterized by the following traits.

User-Friendly Design

The landing page’s design should be made to serve a single purpose; drive your traffic to the call to action at the end of the page. This is why the information offered should be valuable and free of fluff, so website visitors feel tempted to spend more time on the page and eventually buy your products or services.

Website visitors will generally spend less than a minute scanning your landing page, so every word, image, and design should be strategically designed and placed. It shouldn’t be confusing, and the message should be clear.

Killer Copy

There’s a difference between the content on any page and on the landing page. The copy created for this page should be designed to address a specific problem and explain how your products or services are designed to solve it.

Using engaging content, statistics, images, and videos, you’ll be able to show your target audience that you understand the extent of the problem. And as a result, you can offer a reliable solution. That’s why a landing page should be a killer copy and should be aimed to rank number in an organic search. This also includes creating simple yet understandable content on your product pages. Quality content always goes first!

The sales copy created for the landing page should be optimized to drive the website visitors to the call to action. But, most importantly, it should suggest why your business is better at solving this problem, so your target audience will choose your company over the competitor.


This is the message you want to send your website visitors. They need to click a button to be directed to the list of your products or services or should be able to make a purchase.

The message of the CTA should be clear, precise, and repetitive. You’re telling people visiting the website that they need to buy your products or services because you offer unique solutions to the problem they’re dealing with.


This is a detailed form that users will have to fill out to be able to become leads. Once one website visitor has filled out a form to receive a call, signup for a list, or download an online brochure, you no longer have a potential customer but a lead who will soon turn into a paying client.

Steps For Creating an Optimized Landing Page

Creating an optimized landing page for SEO guarantees that it will fulfill its purpose, so interested clients can quickly become leads who will pay for your products and services. Here are the right steps that SEO specialists will follow to drive traffic to your landing page.

Set Up a Relevant Keyword Strategy

A successful SEO plan starts with strategic keyword research. However, not all keywords will work for landing pages, so research is essential. Long-tail keywords relevant to a specific location and target audience will work best because they’ll attract people who are actually interested in your content.

A high-quality keyword analysis is the most crucial step. It involves analyzing your competitors’ and the most relevant keywords in the industry through Google analytics and then assessing your landing page’s potential to compete by seeing how your page ranks. This involves the accurate analysis of primary and semantic or long-tail keywords.

Optimize Your Content’s Structure

Your content should be carefully structured so search engine bots can see how optimized it is. This is done by including the primary target keyword in the page title, title tag, alt text, meta description, headings, subheadings, body text, and links. Images and videos should also be optimized for SEO to improve the quality of your content.

Careful Links Building

Backlinks and internal links help increase the value of your content by making it seem more trustworthy. But, when you’re working on link building, you need to focus on quality over quantity. This is a part of on-page SEO.

Luckily, a competent SEO team will be able to contact the most successful names in your industry or niche and help you network with these relevant companies, so you can build a successful network in the future.

Improve User Experience

Improving the landing page speed will enhance the user experience. The faster the page loads, the more time your potential customers are more likely to stay on your web page and read your content.

The SEO specialist can use PageSpeed Insights to remove redirects, reduce the number of requests, work on bad coding practices, remove unnecessary plugins, and decrease the load time. A slow loading time on your site will lead to an increased bounce rate. This means potential customers will exit your site because it takes forever to load. You don’t want that!

It would be best if you also made your content more optimized for mobile devices. This guarantees that users will easily scroll through your content, read your headings and understand your CTA.

Wrap Up

The landing page is what your clients see when they click a link in an email or social media post, so the content should be clear to understand and to the point. It should have informative content with an easy-to-understand call to action that drives people to make a purchase and pay for your services and products.

If you need help with landing page SEO, lead generation, audit your eCommerce site, or want to establish your online presence, a team of SEO experts here at SEO North can help you. With our years of experience and SEO best practices, we can help you drive your business to success.

Published on: 2023-01-02
Updated on: 2024-06-16

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Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands is the SEO Director at SEO North, a company that provides Search Engine Optimization services. As an SEO Professional, Isaac has considerable expertise in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO, which gives him a leg up against the competition.