How to verify a Domain Property in Google Search Console

Google treats all versions of your website separately (e.g., HTTP, WWW, HTTPS, Subdomains,) adding a Domain property in Google Search Console will track all subdomains and versions of your website.

Google Search Console Report (Google Data Studio)
Google Search Console Report (Google Data Studio)

Domain properties are a great way to identify misconfigured redirects (e.g., HTTP to HTTPS), crawl errors, and search performance.

How to track all domain properties in Google Search Console

In Google Search Console

1. log in to Google Search Console  (signup for GSC if you haven’t already.)
2. Navigate to + Add Property in the left sidebar, or go to the welcome screen.

+ Add Property
+ Add Property

3. Add your domain name (without any prefixes: e.g., HTTPS.)

Verify Domain
Verify Domain

4. Copy the TXT record

verify domain ownership via DNS record
Verify domain ownership via DNS record

In your DNS provider

To verify your domain ownership in Google Search Console, you will need access to your DNS provider to add the TXT records. 

I’ll use GoDaddy for this example. The process is similar for other DNS providers.

1. Log in to your GoDaddy Account
2. Find your domain name
3. Select Manage DNS

Manage DNS
Manage DNS

4. In your Record Settings, click Add (bottom right corner)
5. Enter your Settings:

Type: TXT
Host: @
TXT Value: Your copied record value from GSC
TTL: 1 hour or longer.

DNS Settings
DNS Settings

6. Save your settings

Back in Google Search Console

  1. Wait several minutes for the DNS to propagate.
  2. Press Verify
  3. If the DNS hasn’t had time to propagate, you will receive an error. You’ll need to wait a few more minutes if that happens.

Example: Domain property hasn’t had enough time to propagate:

Ownership verification failed
Ownership verification failed

Example: Domain has had time to verify:

Domain Property Verified
Domain Property Verified

It will take some time for Google to gather data on your website; it’s best to check back in 24 hours.

Performance Report in GSC
Performance Report in GSC

Crawl Stats

Average Response Times
Average Response Times

Google Crawl stats is a great tool to track response times and crawl errors (3XX, 4XX errors); from that report, you can identify and fix mistakes holding your site back.

Crawl Report
Crawl Report
Crawl Errors
Crawl Errors

Pro Tip: Add old migrated websites in GSC to ensure all traffic is going to the new website.


  • What is Google Search Console?
  • What if ownership verification failed in Google Search Console?
  • How to add a property in Google Analytics?

Published on: 2021-01-23
Updated on: 2022-11-05

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Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands is the SEO Director at SEO North, a company that provides Search Engine Optimization services. As an SEO Professional, Isaac has considerable expertise in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO, which gives him a leg up against the competition.