Should we add Organization Schema on all pages or just the homepage?

Organization Schema

Schema markup, specifically the Organization schema, provides search engines with detailed information about your organization. This can help in enhancing the presentation of your brand in search results. Here’s what you should know about implementing Organization schema:

  1. Purpose of Organization Schema: The main purpose of the Organization schema is to provide search engines with specifics about your company, such as the name, logo, contact details, and social profiles. This can improve brand visibility in search results, especially for brand-specific queries.
  2. Placement on the Website:
    • Homepage: It’s most common to place the Organization schema on the homepage, as it’s typically the primary landing page for users searching for brand-specific terms. This is the main entry point for many visitors, and search engines often consider the homepage to be the primary representation of your brand.
    • All Pages: While it’s not strictly necessary to include Organization schema on every page, doing so is not harmful. However, it might be redundant, especially if you have other, more specific schema types that are relevant to individual pages (e.g., Product schema on product pages, Article schema on blog posts). Including the Organization schema on every page can help ensure that search engines pick it up, especially if, for some reason, they can’t access or properly crawl the homepage.
  3. Other Relevant Schemas: Consider implementing other schema types that might be more relevant for specific pages. For instance:
    • About Us page might still use Organization schema but could also use the AboutPage schema.
    • Contact page can utilize the ContactPage schema along with potential LocalBusiness schema if applicable.
  4. Avoid Conflicts: If you have multiple types of schema on a page (e.g., Organization and LocalBusiness), ensure they don’t conflict with one another. Each schema type should provide clear and non-conflicting information to search engines.
  5. Testing: Always test your schema implementation using tools like Google’s Rich Results Test or the Schema Markup Validator. This ensures that the markup is correctly implemented and can be properly interpreted by search engines.


While adding the Organization schema to all pages isn’t necessary, doing so is not detrimental. The main point is to ensure search engines can access this data, especially from your homepage. Also, always prioritize the relevance of schema types for each specific page to provide the most accurate and helpful information to search engines.

Published on: 2023-10-19
Updated on: 2023-10-19

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Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands is the SEO Director at SEO North, a company that provides Search Engine Optimization services. As an SEO Professional, Isaac has considerable expertise in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO, which gives him a leg up against the competition.