Algoritmo RankBrain do Google: Revelando seu impacto nas estratégias de SEO

Google RankBrain is a machine learning-based search engine algorithm update which has significantly impacted the way search results of search intents are determined since its introduction in 2015. 

This component of Google’s core algorithm uses artificial intelligence to process search queries and provide more relevant results for users. RankBrain’s primary function is to understand and interpret the intent behind users’ search queries, allowing Google to display the most accurate and useful information in response.

Algoritmo do Google RankBrain

As a part of Google’s ever-evolving algorithm, RankBrain has become an essential aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). By continuously learning from user input and adjusting its understanding of consultas de pesquisa, RankBrain helps the search engine better adapt to new trends, languages, or user behavior. Consequently, businesses and website owners must keep themselves updated with RankBrain’s developments to ensure the optimal visibility of their online content.

Entender como o Google RankBrain opera e seu impacto nos resultados de pesquisa é fundamental para se manter à frente em um cenário digital cada vez mais competitivo. Ao considerar a função do RankBrain no processo de classificação, os proprietários de sites podem elaborar estratégias eficazes para a otimização dos resultados de pesquisa. Estratégias de SEO para garantir que seu conteúdo permaneça relevante, útil e visível para seu público-alvo.

So, how rankbrain works?

Entendendo o algoritmo RankBrain do Google

Google RankBrain Algorithm is a significant component of Google’s core search algorithm. It leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze search queries, improve user intent understanding, and determine the most relevant search results1. Esse sistema de IA desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da precisão e da relevância dos resultados de pesquisa do Google.

Antes da introdução do RankBrain, o Google dependia exclusivamente de seu algoritmo codificado manualmente para exibir os resultados de pesquisa aos usuários2. A principal função do RankBrain é processar e entender as consultas de pesquisa, considerando vários fatores, como semântica, contexto e métricas de satisfação do usuário, como taxas de cliques e tempo de permanência3. Google’s RankBrain has significantly enhanced the search algorithm by making it more adaptable and efficient.

The integration of machine learning with Google’s existing algorithm allows RankBrain to continuously learn and refine its understanding of how words are related to concepts4. Isso significa que o Google agora pode fornecer informações mais relevantes conteúdo mesmo que uma consulta de pesquisa não contenha todas as palavras exatas, pois o RankBrain identifica associações com outras palavras e conceitos.

Alguns pontos importantes sobre o algoritmo RankBrain do Google são:

  • Utiliza aprendizado de máquina e inteligência artificial
  • Melhora a compreensão da intenção do usuário
  • Determina os resultados de pesquisa mais relevantes
  • Comes integrated with Google’s core search algorithm
  • Aprende continuamente com as entradas de dados

In summary, Google RankBrain Algorithm is a powerful AI system that serves as a crucial element of Google’s core search algorithm. By leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence, RankBrain has significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of Google search results.

Notas de rodapé


A função do Google RankBrain em SEO

The Google RankBrain algorithm plays a crucial role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). As a machine learning (AI) algorithm, RankBrain helps Google process understand search queries and sort search results for better relevance. This is especially important given the vast amounts of data handled by search engines every day1.

Alguns dos principais fatores que o RankBrain leva em conta para SEO incluem:

  • Relevance: RankBrain’s primary function is to determine the most relevant results to search engine queries2. Ao compreender a intenção do usuário por trás de uma consulta, ele pode fornecer resultados mais precisos.
  • Links: Links continue to be an essential ranking factor in SEO. Google values high-quality backlinks as a signal of a website’s relevancy and authority3.
  • User location: RankBrain adapts search results based on a user’s location, ensuring a personalized experience with local search results4.

Here’s a brief overview of how these entities are connected:

EntidadeRole in Google RankBrain
SEOEnhances a site’s visibility
GoogleProcessa consultas de pesquisa
SinaisIndica a relevância do site
LinksRepresenta a autoridade do site
RelevânciaPrincipal fator nos resultados de pesquisa
Fatores de classificaçãoDetermina o posicionamento da pesquisa
Localização do usuárioPersonaliza experiência de pesquisa

Apesar de seus recursos de inteligência artificial, o RankBrain é apenas um dos muitos sinais de classificação usado pelo Google. Naturalmente, os especialistas em SEO também devem prestar atenção a fatores de classificação and adapt their strategies by ensuring their site meets Google’s quality guidelines.

Em resumo, o Google RankBrain é um componente vital do SEO, influenciando as classificações do site ao considerar vários fatores, como relevância, links e localização do usuário. Ao se concentrar na otimização desses elementos, os sites podem melhorar sua visibilidade e ter um melhor desempenho nos resultados de pesquisa.

Notas de rodapé


Explorando o mecanismo do RankBrain

Google’s RankBrain is a complex component of the search engine’s ranking algorithm. At its core, RankBrain is a machine learning system that builds on earlier iterations of Google’s algorithm, like Hummingbird1. Essencialmente, ele muda o foco da leitura literal palavras-chave para entender o contexto e a semântica das consultas de pesquisa.

There are several key search ranking factors that RankBrain considers when analyzing search queries and providing results2. These factors include user experience signals, domain authority, quality content, and backlink profiles. RankBrain constantly refines search results by learning from user behavior and adapting its algorithms accordingly.

One of the main advantages of RankBrain lies in its ability to leverage machine learning. Through machine-learning algorithms, RankBrain can analyze search queries and provide results that match a user’s intent3. Ele vai além da simples correspondência de palavras-chave e faz conexões inteligentes entre diferentes aspectos de uma consulta, como sinônimos e termos relacionados.

RankBrain’s algorithms work in tandem with other Google components to deliver a comprehensive search experience. Its machine-learning capabilities are enriched with constant data input from billions of searches, providing the search engine with the necessary intelligence to refine and enhance its understanding of queries and user intent4.

In summary, RankBrain is an integral part of Google’s ranking algorithm, employing machine-learning techniques and considering various search ranking factors to deliver contextually relevant search results. Its algorithms are constantly evolving through data inputs and user behavior analysis, making it a critical aspect of the ever-changing SEO landscape.

Notas de rodapé

  1. A Complete Guide to the Google RankBrain Algorithm – Search Engine Journal 
  2. Understanding RankBrain: Google’s AI Algorithm Explained 
  3. Google RankBrain: The Definitive Guide – Backlinko 
  4. Understanding Google Rank Brain And How It Impacts SEO – Moz 

Importância das palavras-chave e consultas

The Google RankBrain Algorithm plays a crucial role in understanding the searcher’s intent and providing relevant results. One essential factor that makes this possible is the analysis of keywords and queries.

When users enter a search query, they typically use strings of words that convey their needs. With this query, Google’s RankBrain attempts to provide the most accurate results. Thus, the importance of keyword research cannot be understated. Pesquisa por palavra-chave ajuda os criadores de conteúdo e os profissionais de marketing digital a identificar palavras ou frases que as pessoas estão pesquisando, o que, por sua vez, ajuda a otimizar seus sites para obter melhores classificações nos mecanismos de pesquisa.

The incorporation of long-tail keywords into this approach makes a significant impact. Longer and more specific phrases tend to cater to a niche audience, making it easier for RankBrain to provide relevant search results. These long-tail keywords often yield better conversion rates, as they target users who are more likely to make a purchase or take a desired action.

It’s important to consider keyword matching when it comes to content marketing, as it directly influences the appearance of search results. Google’s RankBrain Algorithm goes beyond mere keyword matching and emphasizes understanding the context and semantics behind a search query1.

Para enfatizar a importância e a relação dessas entidades, considere a lista a seguir:

  1. Keywords – The foundation of every search query, they effectively describe what the user is looking for.
  2. Search Query – The combination of keywords that users input into a search engine.
  3. Keyword Research – The process of identifying popular words or phrases people are searching for to better understand market demand and optimize content.
  4. Long-Tail Keywords – Longer and more specific phrases that cater to a particular niche and produce better conversion rates.
  5. Keyword Matching – Aligning the use of keywords in content for improved search engine rankings, considering context and semantics.

In conclusion, understanding the workings of the Google RankBrain Algorithm and its approach to keywords and queries can provide significant improvements concerning search engine rankings and user conversions. Incorporating long-tail keywords, focusing on keyword research, and considering keyword matching will lead to better results in a constantly changing digital landscape.

Notas de rodapé

  1. Compreender o contexto e a semântica por trás de uma consulta de pesquisa 

Revelando o conceito de intenção do usuário

Google’s RankBrain algorithm has a primary focus on understanding the user intent behind a search query. The concept of user intent, often referred to as searcher intent, revolves around determining the ultimate goal a user has when conducting an online search. By comprehending this intent, Google can deliver more accurate and relevant search results for users.

A key aspect of RankBrain’s functionality is its ability to analyze search queries using machine learning algorithms. These algorithms facilitate a deeper understanding of the context and semantics associated with a query, rather than focusing solely on keyword matching Understanding RankBrain: Google’s AI Algorithm Explained. Para atingir esse nível de compreensão, o RankBrain considera vários fatores, como preferências do usuário, histórico de pesquisa e taxas de cliques.

Há três tipos principais de intenção do usuário:

  1. Informational: The goal is to gather information, like researching a topic or seeking an answer to a question. Example: “How does Google RankBrain work?”
  2. Navigational: The searcher wants to find a specific website, webpage, or online resource. Example: “Search Engine Journal RankBrain guide”
  3. Transactional: The objective is to perform an online transaction, like purchasing a product or signing up for a service. Example: “Buy organic SEO optimization services”

By acknowledging the importance of user intent, Google’s RankBrain is able to filter content that is better at fulfilling a searcher’s purpose Um guia completo para o algoritmo RankBrain do Google. Isso aumenta a eficácia geral do algoritmo e garante que os conteúdos exibidos não estejam apenas relacionados às palavras-chave usadas, mas também sejam relevantes para o contexto em que foram pesquisados.

In conclusion, understanding user intent is an essential aspect of RankBrain’s performance. By focusing on searcher intent, the algorithm can provide results that align more closely with the user’s expectations, offering a better user experience and ensuring that the most appropriate content is surfaced.

Processamento de linguagem natural e RankBrain

Google’s RankBrain algorithm has revolutionized the way it interprets search queries by using Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP helps the algorithm better understand the intent of a user’s search, taking into account not just individual keywords but also context, semantics, and other language patterns.

Um aspecto importante da PNL no RankBrain é o uso de word vectors. Os vetores de palavras mapeiam palavras e frases em um espaço multidimensional, permitindo que o algoritmo identifique relações e semelhanças entre elas. Ao fazer isso, o RankBrain pode entender as nuances da linguagem, como sinônimos ou frases com significados semelhantes, e fornecer resultados de pesquisa mais relevantes.

Por exemplo, considere a seguinte lista de termos relacionados:

  • Inteligência Artificial
  • IA
  • Aprendizagem da máquina

A traditional keyword-based algorithm might treat them as distinct entities. However, RankBrain’s NLP allows it to recognize their interconnectedness and provide search results that cater to the broader context.

Another critical component of RankBrain’s NLP is its ability to comprehend the contexto in which words and phrases are used. This understanding enables it to discern the meaning behind a search query more accurately, even when the query contains ambiguous or complex language. As a result, Google’s search results become more aligned with the user’s actual intention.

A capacidade de entender semântica também é fundamental para a PNL e o RankBrain. Ao compreender o significado das palavras e as conexões entre elas, o RankBrain pode analisar com eficácia as consultas de pesquisa que teriam sido um desafio para os algoritmos anteriores. Esse semântico A compreensão também permite resultados mais precisos ao lidar com consultas que contêm expressões idiomáticas ou gírias.

In summary, RankBrain’s NLP capabilities have enhanced its ability to interpret search queries by considering natural language patterns, context, and semantics. The use of word vectors further solidifies its understanding of relationships between words and phrases, ultimately leading to more relevant search results for users.

O impacto da experiência e do comportamento do usuário

Google RankBrain Algorithm prioritizes user experience and behavior while determining search results. This focus encourages website owners to create content that caters to the needs of their audience effectively. The attention RankBrain pays to user behavior encompasses several factors, such as engagement, dwell time, bounce rate, and pogo-sticking.

Engagement plays a crucial role in RankBrain’s evaluation process. Websites that deliver relevant content and encourage user interaction are more likely to be rewarded with higher rankings. This can be achieved through responsive web design, clear calls to action, and content that genuinely resonates with the target audience.

It also assesses the dwell time—the amount of time users spend on a webpage after clicking through from search results. A longer dwell time often indicates that the user has found the content valuable and informative. RankBrain may interpret this as a sign that the page provides a good user experience and therefore should rank higher in search results.

Another factor RankBrain considers is the bounce rate. This refers to how quickly users leave a website after only visiting one page. A high bounce rate may indicate that the website’s content is not meeting the needs of the users or that the layout and navigation are confusing. Websites that gerenciar para manter a taxa de rejeição baixa, provavelmente serão vistas como uma experiência de usuário melhor.

Pogo-sticking is a negative user behavior that occurs when users quickly navigate back to the search results after visiting multiple pages in rapid succession. This action suggests that the user is not finding what they are looking for, and RankBrain factors this into its evaluation. Minimizing pogo-sticking by providing relevant and well-organized content will improve the likelihood of ranking higher in search results.

Em resumo, o algoritmo RankBrain do Google dá uma importância significativa à experiência e ao comportamento do usuário. Ao otimizar fatores como engajamento, tempo de permanência, taxa de rejeição e limitação de pogo-sticking, os proprietários de sites podem criar um melhor experiência do usuário e potencialmente melhorar suas classificações nos mecanismos de pesquisa.

Reconhecimento de entidades no RankBrain

The Google RankBrain Algorithm is an artificial intelligence (AI) system that significantly improves the way search queries are interpreted and processed. One of the key aspects of RankBrain is its ability to recognize and analyze entities. Entities, in this context, refer to people, places, things, or concepts that are interconnected within a given query or text. By understanding these entities, RankBrain helps deliver more accurate and relevant search results.

The foundation of RankBrain’s entity recognition lies in its ability to understand and match search queries to key concepts within Google’s Gráfico de conhecimento. The Knowledge Graph is a large, interlinked database containing vast amounts of data about various concepts, their relationships, and their attributes. In leveraging this Knowledge Graph, RankBrain can determine the context and semantic meaning behind users’ search queries.

Quando um usuário digita uma consulta de pesquisa, o RankBrain tenta associar as palavras-chave ou frases digitadas a entidades relevantes presentes no Knowledge Graph. Esse processo permite que o algoritmo interpretar a verdadeira intenção do pesquisador, considerando fatores como localização, personalização e as palavras usadas. Ao fazer isso, ele pode fornecer resultados mais precisos e pertinentes.

One example of entity recognition in RankBrain is its ability to differentiate between homonyms or words with multiple meanings. Consider the word “apple”: it could refer to the fruit, the technology company, or even a specific product. RankBrain uses its understanding of the query’s context, based on the entities within the Knowledge Graph, to determine which meaning of “apple” is relevant and should be shown in the search results.

In summary, entity recognition is a crucial component of Google’s RankBrain Algorithm. It enables the system to better understand and process search queries by associating them with relevant entities and concepts within its Knowledge Graph. As a result, Google can deliver more accurate and contextually appropriate search results to users.

Função dos backlinks e atualização do conteúdo

In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), Google’s RankBrain algorithm plays a crucial role in delivering the most relevant results to users’ queries. Two essential factors RankBrain considers are backlinks and content freshness. These elements contribute significantly to the search engine rankings of websites, ensuring users find up-to-date and authoritative information.

Backlinks are incoming links from external websites that point to a specific web page. They act as a vote of confidence from one site to another, signaling the linked content’s relevance, reliability, and authority. Google’s RankBrain algorithm takes into account the number and quality of backlinks a webpage has, influencing its search results rankings. Websites with higher numbers of quality backlinks are generally considered more trustworthy and authoritative, leading to higher positions in search engine results pages (SERPs) 1.

On the other hand, content freshness refers to the recency and relevance of the information presented on a webpage. Google’s RankBrain algorithm favors newly updated content, as it is more likely to provide accurate and up-to-date information 2. No entanto, a atualização do conteúdo pode ser mais importante para algumas consultas do que para outras. Por exemplo, artigos de notícias e tópicos de tendências normalmente exigem conteúdo novo, enquanto conteúdo pereneOs dados de interesse, como fatos históricos ou conhecimento geral, podem não ser tão sensíveis ao tempo.

In conclusion, Google’s RankBrain algorithm strives to deliver the most relevant and reliable results to users by considering factors such as backlinks and content freshness among others. Properly managing these factors can enhance a website’s search engine rankings, providing users with the valuable information they seek 3.

Como otimizar para o Google RankBrain

Google RankBrain is an essential component of the search engine’s algorithm, and optimizing your website for it can help improve your search rankings. Here are a few steps to consider when tailoring your content for RankBrain.

Comprimento e qualidade do conteúdo

To optimize your site, focus on creating high-quality and relevant content that answers users’ queries effectively. Be thorough yet concise, and cover important points to ensure the article’s value. Remember, a bem escrito e informativo pode levar a um melhor engajamento, experiência do usuário e classificações de pesquisa.

Sinais de UX

User experience (UX) signals, such as click-through rate, time spent on a page, and bounce rate, factor into RankBrain’s assessment. To optimize for these, ensure your website is user-friendly with a clean design and easy navigation. Additionally, páginas de carregamento rápido e a compatibilidade com dispositivos móveis podem melhorar os sinais de UX e, consequentemente, as classificações de pesquisa.


Embora o Google possa alterar as meta descrições para melhor corresponder às consultas de pesquisa, ter descrições bem elaboradas e ricas em palavras-chave metadescrições ainda pode melhorar as taxas de cliques. Certifique-se de escrever descrições meta atraentes e informativas que representem com precisão a conteúdo de suas páginas.

Incorporating these guidelines into your website strategy can help optimize your content for Google RankBrain. With a focus on quality, user experience, and relevance, you can improve your chances of achieving higher search rankings and increasing your website’s visibility.

Google RankBrain vs. Hummingbird vs. PageRank

Google has continuously evolved its search algorithms to provide users with the most relevant results and exceptional experience. Among these algorithms are Google RankBrain, Hummingbird, and PageRank. While each has its specific impacts on digital marketing e resultados de pesquisa, eles operam de forma distinta um do outro. Aqui, exploraremos brevemente e compararemos suas funcionalidades.


Introduzido em 2015, RankBrain é um algoritmo baseado em aprendizado de máquina responsável por entender e processar consultas de pesquisa para retornar resultados relevantes. Diferentemente de seus predecessores, o RankBrain evolui continuamente, aprendendo sozinho com as entradas de dados. Consequentemente, esse algoritmo desempenha um papel fundamental no aprimoramento da precisão dos resultados de pesquisa, especialmente para consultas ambíguas ou complexas.


Launched in 2013, the Hummingbird algorithm was a significant update to Google’s search engine, focusing on understanding the intent and context behind an entire search query rather than just individual keywords. It brought about semantic search, enabling Google to provide more accurate results by considering synonyms, themes, and the relationship between words. While RankBrain focuses on learning and understanding queries, Hummingbird ensures the broad context is accounted for, leading to more targeted and high-quality search results.


PageRank is the earliest algorithm developed by Google for ranking web pages in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Named after Larry Page, one of the co-founders of Google, the algorithm primarily assesses the quality and quantity of the external links pointing to a webpage. High-quality backlinks indicate a greater likelihood of the page being valuable and relevant to users, thus improving its position in the SERPs.

In summary, RankBrain, Hummingbird, and PageRank all contribute to the process of producing relevant search results for users. RankBrain leverages machine learning to understand and process search queries, Hummingbird examines the context and intent behind entire queries, and PageRank focuses on the quality and quantity of backlinks. As digital marketing in the United States and elsewhere continues to evolve, Google’s algorithms will undoubtedly keep refining and revolutionizing the search experience.

Futuro do SEO com o RankBrain

Nos últimos anos, a introdução do Algoritmo do Google RankBrain causou um impacto significativo no mundo da otimização de mecanismos de busca (SEO). Como o algoritmo continua a ser refinado e atualizado, pode-se esperar uma abordagem cada vez mais sofisticada para entender as consultas dos usuários e oferecer resultados de pesquisa precisos e relevantes.

At its core, RankBrain is a machine learning (AI) algorithm designed to help Google process and understand search queries more effectively. By applying artificial intelligence, RankBrain can interpret the intent behind a user’s search terms, even when dealing with ambiguous phrases or synonyms. This allows the algorithm to provide more resultados de pesquisa relevantes que atendam às necessidades do usuário, resultando em maior satisfação do usuário.

With RankBrain becoming increasingly integral to Google’s search algorithm, SEO strategies must adapt accordingly. To remain effective in this evolving landscape, it is essential for SEO efforts to prioritize user-focused content that demonstrates a deep understanding of the alvo audience’s needs and interests. By creating high-quality, informative content, websites can improve their chances of being recognized and rewarded by RankBrain and other search engine algorithms.

Alguns fatores a serem considerados na otimização para o RankBrain incluem:

  • Keyword use: It is vital to continue researching and employing relevant keywords, but also to incorporate synonyms and related phrases to improve content’s comprehensibility for RankBrain.
  • Content depth: Offer detailed and comprehensive content to ensure maximum usefulness to users. This can result in increased user satisfaction and engagement, sending positive signals to RankBrain and other search algorithms.
  • Website structure: Organize website content clearly and logically, making it easily accessible to users. This helps improve user satisfaction, which can, in turn, enhance visibility in search engine rankings.

À medida que o RankBrain e outros algoritmos de pesquisa alimentados por IA continuam a evoluir, os especialistas em SEO devem estar preparados para adaptar suas estratégias para ficar à frente da concorrência. Ao focar na satisfação do usuário e fornecer conteúdo preciso e relevante, os proprietários de sites e profissionais de marketing podem se posicionar para o sucesso no futuro do SEO com o RankBrain.

Perguntas frequentes

  • How does RankBrain impact search ranking?
  • What’s the difference between RankBrain and BERT?
  • Como o aprendizado de máquina influencia o RankBrain?
  • Qual é a importância da experiência do usuário para o algoritmo RankBrain?
  • Quais são algumas estratégias eficazes para otimizar o conteúdo para o RankBrain?
  • Como o RankBrain se compara aos algoritmos anteriores do Google?

Published on: 2023-11-23
Updated on: 2023-12-18

Avatar para Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands é o Diretor de SEO da SEO North, uma empresa que presta serviços de Search Engine Optimization. Como profissional de SEO, Isaac tem uma experiência considerável em SEO On-page, SEO Off-page e SEO Técnico, o que lhe dá uma vantagem contra a concorrência.