Search Generative Experience

Bing recently announced its integration with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which is a generative AI tool that improves AI-powered search across Microsoft’s platforms. Because research revealed that ChatGPT’s answers were similar in quality to Google’s, Bing has been designated as the default search engine for OpenAI’s ChatGPT, allowing for more speedy and accurate responses.

Search Generative Experience

It’s no surprise Google’s search engine has also joined the artificial intelligence revolution. What is Google’s answer to Open AI? On May 10, at the Google I/O event, Google launched its own AI project called Search Generative Experience (SGE). The Search Generative Experience is Google’s strategy for integrating generative AI into the search experience, strengthening AI capabilities for better responsiveness to compete with Bing.

New Search Generative Experience (SGE) leverages the power of AI for snapshots, vertical experiences, and conversations. These will be explained in more detail in the next section. The purpose of Google Search Generative Experience is to provide users with more meaningful generated answers to their queries. Many people are wondering if SGE will be the end of SEO. What effect will search ads have on SGE pages? Will media businesses have to pay more for ad placements on these AI surfaces than they do for SEO? Will websites SERP suffer from SGE when it’s updated with this change? Are there ethical issues? What are the benefits? This article will cover these topics and more and provide some examples of how SGE may be used.

Understanding Search Generative Experience

SGE uses generative AI to improve user experience. According to Google, Search Generative Experience is supposed to help people understand a topic quicker by providing relevant answers with more context. One key component is the AI-powered snapshot, which creates unique answers for more complex queries.

Understanding Search Generative Experience

Another key component is using vertical experiences to provide users with more product details or feature information when they conduct commercial searches. Conversational mode is another essential part of SGE. As an alternative to Microsoft’s Bing Chat and OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google has introduced Bard. Bard is Google’s conversational Ai chat service or a chatbot that can write code, translate languages, and analyze photos based on Google’s big language model, LLM; in the same way, ChatGPT is built on OpenAI’s GPT. Google’s Bard is intended to work similarly to ChatGPT, with the main distinction being that Bard doesn’t look up search results like Bing Chat. All of the data it delivers is produced by the model itself. However, it is still intended to help users solve and resolve queries. Google wants Bard to play a vital role in Google’s SGE process.

With this new feature, users can ask related questions after initial search queries to learn more in-depth information about a topic. Using this capability, SGE still keeps the original search’s context.

Combining Search and Generative Technologies

Generative AI is a system that can create images, text, or other media to answer questions or respond to prompts. The generated information is new data that is based on learned input data. Google’s new advancements in generative AI capabilities make it possible to improve contextual understanding to provide more meaningful answers. Thanks to the three key components discussed in the previous section, those answers are available for all types of search intent.

Examples of Search Generative Experience Uses

Above the search results listings, the new Google search experience may display an AI-generated response. In one example, a user asked why sourdough bread was so popular. Google provided its usual list of search results pages, and the SGE tool at the top provided its own answer. Its answer was a more condensed version of the regular search’s information and the benefits of sourdough bread. There were also source links connected to each sentence to support the answer.


In another example, the user searched for the best Bluetooth-powered speakers for beachgoers. SGE provided a summary of qualities users should look for in beach-friendly speakers. It also provided links to top-ranking buying guides and links to several products. The product suggestions were based on ratings and applicable qualities. This was an excellent example of how search and generative AI were combined to produce helpful information quickly.

Enhancing User Engagement and Satisfaction

Since SGE can deliver more concise and context-based results, it can boost user satisfaction. In some cases, people feel overwhelmed by the amount of information produced by a regular search on Google. SGE uses information related to specific questions to present people with their needs. The conversational mode that addresses follow-up questions saves people from combing through pages of articles and skimming information by themselves. The conversational mode also allows them to learn valuable related information without starting separate ai searches.

Customization and Personalization in Searches

SGE takes search customization and personalization to a new level. It does this through the special large language models it uses. Conversational mode is an excellent customization benefit of the tool since it retains the original context when interpreting users’ specific follow-up questions. After generating the AI-based information snapshot from a user’s query, it also provides customized suggestions for the next steps the user can take. Those may include reading information about similar questions associated with the query or comparing certain products. Although that feature is similar to the suggested or similar questions often appearing on a regular Google search, the information is more specific and based on context.

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Instead of using Google’s traditional search approach, SGE uses a Pathways Language Model 2, a general-purpose large language model. PaLM is different because it is a transformer neural network trained on extensive data collection. The transformer neural network allows AI to suggest helpful information or answers. Also, it facilitates inferences that improve search results. In contrast to SGE, the traditional Google search approach shows users results based on the PageRank algorithm. There are usually sponsored results as well.

In addition to the PaLM model, Google uses the Multitask Unified Model to interpret information from multiple forms of media. Like PaLM, MuM can learn quickly from large amounts of information. Google’s models stem from natural language processing techniques and machine learning concepts, which help them provide quality responses based on the data they use.

The language models help improve the relevance of answers. Nearly every person has conducted at least one search that produced frustrating results. Some queries show results that do not reflect a user’s intent. That intent is what AI strives to understand better through the use of the technologies discussed earlier. It provides additional information that users may look for after the initial search. For instance, going back to the earlier example of looking for the top beach-friendly speakers, a person may start by looking for products to compare. The person may need to research what attributes to look for in a beach-friendly speaker. However, SGE’s suggested steps provide that information to add value to the search based on detected intent.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges

Although the benefits for searchers are apparent, some ethical issues arise with SGE. The key idea is that SGE is not designed to replace traditional searches. Its purpose is to supplement them by providing users with quality and context-based information. The good news for people who strive to maintain good SEO practices is that SGE still rewards and favors quality content for providing answers. There are a few other possible concerns and challenges.

Privacy Concerns and Data Protection

Some people are concerned about their privacy and SGE’s data protection. For example, several tech companies have asked how Google plans to comply with strict data protection laws like the EU’s GDPR. At a recent security conference, U.S. officials said hackers have already set their sights on AI systems. If they target Google’s AI system, data from billions of people may be accessible. Google is conducting extensive testing to identify and address these and other data protection issues.

Bias and Fairness Issues

While there is plenty of high-quality information on the internet, there is also information that contains bias. There may be bias related to gender, race, or other types of identity. Since AI learns from large volumes of information, risks still exist for promoting biased information or producing it in answers. Additionally, some programs may be used to create and spread false information, propaganda, or other hurtful information. Google is continually looking for ways to address information bias and fairness risks.

Transparency and Comprehensibility

Google says that it is trying to maintain transparency with SGE. For now, the ads that appear on SGE are still part of regular campaigns. On SGE’s ad slots, they are labeled as sponsored. Also, Google corroborates all sentences in SGE answers with outside sources. Since some other AI tools on the market need a better reputation for consistently producing reliable information, Google is prioritizing transparency. The structure of SGE is designed to make it easy for all people to use and understand.

While SGE presents potential benefits for users, it is still a new concept that requires further research and development to address the risks. Also, there are mixed views on whether SGE’s answers will drive more traffic to high-quality sites or stifle it if readers need to click the source links attached to answers. One thing that users can likely count on is more opportunities for paid advertisements. Remember that Google makes the majority of its billions from ads, and it does not make sense for the company to jeopardize that.

Currently, the only way to get access to Google’s new Search Generative Experience (SGE) is to sign up for a Google Search Labs waitlist; this means you could wait weeks before using it directly.

It will first be accessible in the United States and in English exclusively via Chrome desktop and the Google App (Android and iOS).

Initial Thoughts on Google SGE’s

Google routinely expresses concern about the use of generative AI.

We are all aware that generative AI systems have flaws.

While Google, Bing, and OpenAI’s ChatGPT will employ various approaches to reduce the frequency of such errors, it will take work to remedy.

Someone must recognize the problem and decide on a solution. The number of such issues must be handled is enormous, and identifying them all will be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible.

This is an early preview of the new Google Search. Playing with it may be entertaining, informative, and exhilarating. Everyone is still determining what Google will finally introduce, but it’s crucial to realize that this is only the beginning of AI search’s future.


  • What is Google’s Search Generative Experience?
  • How does SGE work?
  • Is SGE safe and secure to use?
  • How can I make the most of Google’s Search Generative Experience?
  • Can SGE learn and adapt to my search behavior over time?

Published on: 2023-06-02
Updated on: 2023-06-02

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Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands is the SEO Director at SEO North, a company that provides Search Engine Optimization services. As an SEO Professional, Isaac has considerable expertise in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO, which gives him a leg up against the competition.