Little-Known SEO Hacks That Deliver Impactful Results 

SEO Hacks

So, you’ve been following SEO guides and techniques for months and have yet to see your website flourishing. You’ve done all that SEO pros recommended—so what gives? Why do others rank higher even though you’ve put in double or even triple the effort than them? 

The answer might be simpler than you think. 

We’ve spoken to dozens of business owners and asked them what the most surprising SEO tactic worked for them. Many of the answers were as simple as changing the theme and code of their website to something else. 

Here’s a list of SEO hacks that deliver impactful results. 

Utilizing FAQ schemas

Every business, no matter the size, benefits from having a FAQ schema

It not only boosts traffic but also increases featured snippet visibility and search engine visibility. 

A FAQ schema is especially impactful for niche websites, where competition is often less fierce and there’s a higher chance of ranking for long-tail keywords. 

Providing in-depth answers to specific questions allows niche websites to establish themselves as authoritative sources and attract a targeted audience.

Regularly Update Your Website 

You don’t need to completely overhaul your website to keep it relevant. 

Small updates—like updating your homepage description, republishing/revising older content, optimizing image alt text, or even just changing your website’s theme—can significantly improve your site’s performance and visibility. 

Search engines prioritize fresh, relevant content. Regularly updating your website signals to Google that your site is active and relevant, potentially boosting your search rankings.

Take Advantage of Unused Keywords 

SEO experts often recommend incorporating popular keywords into content. We’re not saying it’s wrong; it can be an effective way to increase visibility, especially if you’re using trending keywords

However, there’s also value in utilizing unused keywords. There’s a goldmine of less competitive terms that can drive targeted traffic to your website. Though lower in search volume, they often have higher conversion because users who look up these search terms are those closer to making a purchase or taking a specific action. 

That said, don’t just use random unused long-tail keywords. The secret here is to use keywords that you have a hunch people are using. 

Let’s say you’re searching for a product or service. What kind of questions would you ask? What terms would you use? Be descriptive but don’t make it too descriptive. You still want to appeal to a broader audience. 

Include Multiple Media Types

Use multiple media types across your website. We’re talking audio files, GIFs, images, ebooks, and YouTube videos. Don’t just stick to text-based content. Using a mix of media can help you rank better in SERPs because it tells search engines that your website has rich and diverse content.

Posted in SEO

Published on: 2024-08-19
Updated on: 2024-08-19

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Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands is the SEO Director at SEO North, a company that provides Search Engine Optimization services. As an SEO Professional, Isaac has considerable expertise in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO, which gives him a leg up against the competition.