Pain Point SEO

Many companies fail when doing SEO because they don’t address the pain points of their desired customers. At the end of the day, the point of business is to solve people’s problems. If your company does not solve any problems, you won’t get any customers. The same thing is true when it comes to doing SEO correctly. Every search engine succeeds when it rewards websites that solve problems for searchers with high rankings.

pain point seo

It doesn’t serve Google if people have to search again after visiting your website. If they search on Google for the same thing after visiting your website, it means they did not find the solution to their problem. Google now has information that your website isn’t relevant for that particular search term. That is why pain point SEO is vital on every level. You must consider customer pain points in everything you do if you want to do well in this business.

Pain Point SEO is called that way because it focuses on the problems of potential customers instead of keyword volume. Traditional SEO focuses on building a keyword list to get the most search volume possible. You build the search volume list before coming up with your content ideas. This leads to people getting a massive amount of visitors without having the conversions they want.

Pain Point SEO offers a new paradigm that can completely transform your website’s performance on the SERPs. It can do this because you make much more money from fewer website visitors when you focus on solving problems instead of raw search volume. Your metrics might decrease in certain areas, but the most important ones will improve dramatically. Let’s look at how Pain Point SEO works and how it benefits website owners.

Identifying Pain Points in SEO

Pain Point SEO isn’t just about optimizing your on-page or doing market research. It is a holistic way of thinking about SEO that completely transforms all layers of the SEO process. It is a different way of thinking about how your website will rank for certain keyword terms. Keyword research and content strategy are just a few of the many ways SEO changes when focusing on pain points instead of keyword volume. It also means you are more likely to focus on an SEO strategy that prioritizes conversions instead of traffic volume.

User Intent Over Volume

Research is traditionally the first part of every SEO campaign. You need to understand the market and your competition to know what to do to start ranking at the top. However, Pain Point SEO focuses on a completely different approach compared to what traditional SEO involves.

The keyword research phase of every SEO campaign is where website owners typically look at keyword volume and competition. Website owners would look at how likely they would be to rank near the top for a certain keyword. That involves using various keyword tools to find short-tail keywords that give the best rankings. However, some webmasters would focus on long-tail keywords first to give them that needed confidence boost to work more on the website.

The major difference with Pain Point SEO is the shift to focusing on user intent. What does that mean? It means diving deep into the psyche of the person doing the search and understanding what problem they are trying to solve when they do that search. For example, if someone searches for “home remedies for the flu,” it is highly likely that they currently have the flu and are looking for a way to cure it without needing to go and buy medicine from the store. Every keyword searched on Google has an intent behind it, and it is your job to understand it. If you can do well in this phase, you will be able to figure out solutions for whatever problem the searcher is looking to solve. The other benefit is that Google will reward you because they will see your website solves problems for that keyword.

When you do keyword and competition research this way, you must design your website differently to ensure you get the best results possible. The main differences involve creating an overall content marketing strategy to get the best conversion rates. Competition research is also made easier because your content, website, and user experience will be much better. The metrics you see in Google Analytics will show that people like your website more than alternatives.

Optimizing On-Page to Address Pain Points

The two aspects of on-page SEO are content optimization and search engine spider optimization. When you build a website, it has to work well for the search engine spider and the users who are consuming your content. That means creating content that will resonate with the person looking to solve a problem. The way you make your content should focus on solving the pain point. Traditional SEO content emphasizes LSI keywords, keyword density, and primary keywords. It is all about understanding the search engine algorithm to get the website to rank as high as possible for a particular term. The main issue with this is that the content doesn’t solve the user’s problem. It leaves users frustrated, making things worse for everyone involved.

Optimize for Users THEN Search Engine Spiders

Every aspect of your website can be optimized to make the user experience seamless. That means tweaking your color schemes, positioning your menus, and rearranging parts of your website to get the best conversion rate. You might get fewer people visiting your website, but you will easily make plenty of money because of the improved conversion rate. Plenty of tools are available to see how your users browse your website. You can see where they first look with eye tracking, heatmaps to see where they click, and scroll maps to see how they navigate your website. These technical tools aim to make your website as optimized as possible for the user.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is great because it helps users and search engine spiders. Amazon found that they could increase revenue dramatically by improving how fast their website loaded. How much traffic are you missing out on because of your website’s performance? That is a question most website owners need to ask unless you’re one of the few people with a website that loads in under 800 ms. Website load speed is even more critical because most people browse the Internet on a smartphone. In fact, optimizing for smaller screens is also a significant factor in determining how successful your website will be in the SEO marketplace. Google recently became a mobile-first search engine, prioritizing mobile rankings over all other channels. Your website’s performance on mobile devices impacts your rankings on Google. You can even integrate schema markup to allow your website to feature in Google’s rich text results. It makes it seem like an authority on a topic, meaning people are more likely to visit your website in the future when they have a similar problem.

Content Marketing for Pain Point SEO

As mentioned above, content creation used to be based on trying to rank for the most keywords possible with a single article. However, the downside of the strategy was that articles would be bland without solving any problems the target audience was asking. Content creation for Pain Point SEO involves researching solutions to the search term and integrating it into a cohesive content piece. Whatever content you create should be answering a question the user is asking or solving a problem they have. For example, people looking for a certain camera will likely want a comprehensive review before purchasing. Moreover, you can even create content to compare various options to let them know what else is available. Content like this that solves problems is at the heart of Pain Point SEO.

How Off-Page SEO Helps Address Pain Points

Backlinks are still at the heart of how search engines rank websites. You still need a backlink profile with links from high-authority websites to rank well. You also need a cohesive social media strategy that focuses on providing valuable information instead of just promoting products or services. Your marketing strategy with Pain Point SEO has to be based on being that helpful friend who provides answers without asking for anything in return.

The great thing about understanding Pain Point SEO is that you start to see pain points for everyone involved in this process. For example, you can get high-quality backlinks by providing content for free to other websites in your industry. You now solve a major pain point because that is one less piece of content they must create themselves or pay for. Eventually, you start having the reputation of someone there to help in every situation.


Building a good reputation is one of the key tenants of Off-Page SEO. In Pain Point SEO, what you do to build backlinks to your website matters because it determines the type of people you will send to your pages. For example, if you build links from places where people are experiencing the problem you are trying to solve, you’re more likely to get better conversion rates than building links from a general website with nothing to do with the topic you covered.

Tools and Techniques for Pain Point SEO

The good thing about Pain Point SEO is that there are plenty of modern tools you can use to optimize your website to solve pain points easier. Many of these tools are free, but a few paid ones are integral in helping you succeed in this industry.


Google Analytics is one of the most popular tools for website owners. Along with Google Search Console, Google Analytics provides a mountain of data to help you understand how people browse your website. You can use this information to see the type of content people want to consume and even the buyer journey they take to become a paying customer. Google Search Console provides helpful information to allow you to optimize content, fix issues, and optimize website performance.

Backlink Checkers

Backlink Checkers can help you find places to get links your competition already has. These tools are also useful for seeing how your website stacks up against the competition. The way to success in SEO is to match and exceed the current number one on the SERPs. Your website is always competing to knock the top site off of its throne. The way to do that is to create better content, build more links, and create a better customer experience. Backlink Checkers provide valuable information needed to make the process easier.

Technical SEO Tools

Technical SEO tools help you optimize your on-page to be as effective and efficient as possible. For example, there are plenty of broken link checkers you can use to ensure that your website is crawlable. It does not matter how good your website is if search engines cannot crawl it. That is why you must use these tools to optimize the technical aspects of your website to get it to perform as fast as possible. It should load quickly, have few to no errors, and be optimized for usability.

Examples of Pain Point SEO in Action

You see examples of Pain Point SEO in action every time you search for a term and get useful advice from the first website you click on. Here are some examples:

Recipe Websites

When you crave something new and want to find a recipe, you go to the search engine and type in the name of the dish. The search engine usually returns a list of results from recipe websites. This is an example of Pain Point SEO because the content is optimized to immediately provide you with the solution you want. A recipe website usually gives you all the ingredients and instructions for cooking the dish. Some recipe websites even give you a list of recipe ideas based on the food you have in your pantry.

Product Review Websites

Most people look for reviews before buying something online. Product review websites help because they provide helpful information about the product to give you the advice you need to make a good buying decision. A website like this is also an example of Pain Point SEO done well.


You can be more successful by focusing on pain points and solving problems instead of raw keyword volume. Pain Point SEO makes it much easier to improve your conversion rate and boost revenue. Pain Point SEO is great because you earn more money while solving an important problem many people have. It is the best way to do digital marketing while using search engines.

One of the biggest pain points for website owners is creating a marketing strategy to help their business grow. That is why you need an effective marketing agency that understands your problems and how to solve them. SEO North is an SEO agency that provides highly effective services using a proven process. Take your business to the next level today.

Published on: 2023-04-13
Updated on: 2024-06-21

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Isaac Adams-Hands

Isaac Adams-Hands is the SEO Director at SEO North, a company that provides Search Engine Optimization services. As an SEO Professional, Isaac has considerable expertise in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO, which gives him a leg up against the competition.